Safety & FAQS » Cardiff Jet
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January 2021 Update

Our speedboat is now coded, certified and licensed in preparation for Easter 2021.

If you have any enquiries or concerns please contact us direct

I have a medical condition, can I still go out on the boats?

Due to the speed and manoeuvrability of the boats anyone with pre-existing conditions such as back pain, neck pain, previous injuries that could be aggravated by sudden movements or if you are pregnant will not be able to participate. Slower passage trips can be arranged with advanced notice.

We reserve the right to refuse to carry anyone who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. We also ask that if you have any pre-existing medical conditions, for example epilepsy, you let us know before travelling so we can be aware of them.

Whilst we are an inclusive provider, safety of our passengers comes first. There are limitations for access onto the boats, therefore we ask that anyone with a physical disability contact us prior to booking, to ensure that we are able to safely get you aboard.

What safety measures and precautions are in place?

During all of our Cardiff Jet experiences we demonstrate a clear and unswerving commitment to safety – your safety and comfort are paramount and as one of the busiest operators of RIB passenger voyages in the UK we regularly review our practices to ensure we are at the forefront of the industry maintaining our standard for others to follow.

  • Should you require copies of our Insurance or Risk assessments we will be happy to e-mail them across to you in advance of your booking.
  • We closely follow the investigations conducted by the Maritime Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) to ensure that we follow the latest best practice, safety codes and modes of operation.
  • We strive to find a balance between commercial considerations, the thrill and excitement of high speed passenger boats while reducing the inherent risks as much as reasonably practical.

All Cardiff Jet Vessels carry up-to-date safety equipment in accordance with local and flag state (UK) requirements which includes equipment for:

  • Abandoning the vessel
  • Protection from the cold
  • Treatment of first aid incidents
  • Man Overboard Recovery
  • Communications

Our skippers are in constant communication via VHF radio with the MCA, appropriate VTS/harbour authorities for our locations and other commercial/leisure vessels as well as our dedicated shore team by phone.

As with all boats we can be called upon at any time to assist another vessel in difficulty and due to our responsiveness, frequency of operation and level of equipment carried we have been able to help others in difficulty in the Bristol Channel on a number of occasions. We do not view ourselves as just a commercial operator, preferring instead to be seen as a responsible operator in the Cardiff Bay boating community and helpful wherever necessary to ensure that Cardiff Bay is as safe as possible for all water users.

When are you open?

We operate our full ranges of services throughout the year every weekend, if there is no trips advertised please contact us and we will see if we can help.

Are there any age restrictions for children?

We do not impose age restrictions however we do inforce a minimum of 1.1 metres to ensure they can reach the footrests and hold onto the safety rail in front of them.

Slower experiences can be arranged for groups and we consider this as an option for our childrens and Pirate parties.

Why do I have to wear a lifejacket? Does one size fit all?

All passengers and crew are required to wear a lifejackets and we have a variety of options for all shapes and sizes.

What if I am unsure or worried when we are out on the trip?

Prior to boarding the boat we provide a full safety brief including how to attract the skipper’s attention…

How many people can you take on the boat at one time?

The maximum number of people permitted on our craft is 12, which includes skipper and a crew member if sailing out to sea. If your group has more than this we can run back to back trips.

What happens during poor weather?

Poor weather such as rain will not normally prevent the trips from commencing, but strong winds can affect our service and can require the need to cancel trips. Should this be the case then as much notice as possible will be given. Choice to arrange an alternative trip or a full refund will be given.

Who are you licensed by?

Cardiff Jet is licensed by the Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA) to 20 miles from a safe haven as well as local authority licences issued by Cardiff Harbour Authority.

We operate to a strict Safety Management System (SMS) which provides clear operational procedures including regular:

  • Risk assessments
  • Emergency drills and procedure training
  • Shore side procedures
  • Pontoon boarding procedures and method statements
  • Maintenance procedures
  • Training programme and marine safety manual
  • Passage plans
  • Search and Rescue plans